
openAsset screen shot


SaaS/Dynamic web app

About Cloud Digital Asset management based on projects linking employees, projects, files and keywords within SaaS

Environment React, Flux, ES7, Webpack, Babel, RESTAPI, SASS, Git


  • Engineered React+Flux and RestAPI linking employees, projects, files and keywords within SaaS
  • Delivered Employee Module with pagination, sorting, filtering, selecting, searching and switching views
  • Built dynamic and customizable header with access level control
  • Instituted Google Maps API to automatic search, get/set lat and lng while drag/drop pins


openAsset screen shot


SaaS/Dynamic web app

About Cloud Digital Asset management based on projects linking employees, projects, files and keywords within SaaS

Environment React, Flux, ES7, Webpack, Babel, RESTAPI, SASS, Git


  • Engineered React+Flux and RestAPI linking employees, projects, files and keywords within SaaS
  • Delivered Employee Module with pagination, sorting, filtering, selecting, searching and switching views
  • Built dynamic and customizable header with access level control
  • Instituted Google Maps API to automatic search, get/set lat and lng while drag/drop pins

Be memorable

be_memorable screen shot

Live Preview

Be memorable

Responsive / Interactive Web App

About Be_memorable responsive web pages, CSS Animation, Scroll_magic, mega menu and slick

Environment HTML, Javascript, Handlebar, JSON, SASS, CoffeeScript, Grunt, Git, AWS, Node.js,


  • Constructed pixel perfect responsive/ interactive with SVG and seamless user experience with
  • Delivered full development lifecycle following best practices, SEO principles, and optimisation
  • Managed browsers/devices compatibility, optimization, testing, and deployed the app to AWS

Artha Investment

Artha screenshot

Live Preview

Artha Investment

Responsive / Interactive Web App

About Aretha Investment Bank’s mobile/web with lazy loading, carousel+tab, mega dropdown using custom CSS Animation

Environment Handlebar, JSON, SASS, CoffeeScript, Grunt, Git


  • Constructed interactive app and seamless user experience with input validation and Event Listener in JS
  • Evaluated requirement and technologies and scheduled the product deployment
  • Advised on front end best practices and ideal approach and technique to use, and provided support for other websites managed by the agency


Responsive / Interactive Web App

About PepsiCo's responsive web pages, an interactive map, and a navigation using CSS Animationand Greensocks

Environment Handlebar, JSON, SASS, CoffeeScript, Grunt, Git


  • Constructed mobile-first responsive templates, an interactive map and a global nagivation with Handlebar, JSON, SASS, CoffeeScript, Grunt, Git
  • Conducted code modularisation for CMS, Signify following BEM methodology


Node.js / Angular.js Web App

About Interior design and furniture showcase website where designers present their concepts and find resource

Environment Node.js, Postgre SQL, Angular.js, CSS/Sass, Mustache, Bower, npm Git, Gulp


  • Construct front-end views and page routing using AngularJS for data binding and DOM manipulation, NPM and Bower as package managers and Gulp as a task runner
  • Maintained PostgreSQL database and organised data using Mustache.js to design templates
  • Integrated modal popups throughout the website and created a colour search board on search bar using Bootstrap and custom CSS/SASS

Study Cafe

study cafe screenshot

Study Cafe

Java / Spring Web App

About Searching offline group meetings that allow members to find and join groups unifiedby a common interest.

Environment Java, Spring Framework, MyBatis, Maven, html, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, JQuery, Ajax,Bootstrap, Oracle 11g, Tomcat 8.0


  • Engineered dependency Injection using Spring annotations based on understanding of Spring AOP
  • Implemented SQL statement to sub-categorise with MyBatis's one to many relationship mapping in collection
  • Instituted Facebook and Kakao APIs for user authentication
  • Integrated jQuery and Ajax to check for duplicates and form validation on id, email and password.


babysitter1 Screenshot babysitter2 Screenshot


Android app

About Childcare booking tool that register, store and manage child information to find and book babysitters

Environment JAVA, AndroidStudio, Spring Framework, Oracle 11g, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Tomcat 8.0


  • Engineered a responsive UI/UX of entire app using custom CSS
  • Utilised Navigation Drawer with Activity, Layout, Fragment and Threads
  • Implemented event handling and DOM manipulation with jQuery
  • Constructed list view to retrieve a list of child information using fragments and listener, and custom Adapter to connect Oracle 11g database


Java-based Oracle Database Scientist course | IT WILL Data Processing Academy | Seoul, Korea (Feb - Aug 2016)

M.A. Art Theory | Hongik University (March 2012 – Feb 2015) | Seoul, Korea (March 2012 – Feb2015)

B.A. Art History/Art Management | University of San Francisco | San Francisco, CA, USA (Sep2007 –Jun 2010)

Duluth Central High school | San Francisco, CA, USA (Jan 2005 - May 2007)

Employment History

Front-end developer, OpenAsset, London, UK (Dec 2017 – )
  • Engineered React+Flux and RestAPI linking employees, projects, files and keywords within SaaS
  • Delivered Employee Module with pagination, sorting, filtering, selecting, searching and switching views
Front-end developer, Colorido Studio, London, UK (May 2017 – Nov 2017)
  • Constructed responsive web pages, an interactive map and a global navigation on
  • Managed browsers/devices compatibility, optimisation, testing, and deployed the app to AWS
Full-stack developer, AIVO, Seoul, Korea (September 2016 – March 2017)
  • Worked closely with designers and a product manager to maintain DB and evolve UI/UX of the website
  • Followed BEM methodology for HTML/CSS and Kanban of Agile using AWS, Trello, Github
DB Consultant, Bum Soft, Seoul, Korea (February 2011 – July 2012)
  • Conducted research, analysis and reported museum database management systems and targeting DB strategies for client
Archive Curator, Lost Art Salon, San Francisco, USA (August 2009 – December 2009)
  • Catalogued and updated the gallery’s on/offline archive using the database software,EmbARK
  • Engaged in research and analysis for the gallery's collection and created summary reports on collection

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